Report of the event "WAZA 2021" in Ikebukuro, Tokyo

The writer joined the event of "WAZA 2021" in Ikebukuro, Tokyo. (waza in Japanese means skill)

The traditional crafts exhibition was held in Tobu department store Ikebukuro from 18th to 23th Feb.

About 100 Japanese traditional crafts are on display. This event is held once a year so I really recommend to join it next year!

I discovered the wonderful crafts and saw how amazing the craftsmen behind the works were.  

"wood & craft" KICHIYA from Izumo, Shimane

There is one of the most famous shrine in Izumo, Shimane prefecture. This is "Izumo-taisya shrine". "Kichiya" which is wooden toys and dolls shop is closed to this shrine.

The craftman Shinkichi Matsutani was fascinated with kokeshi dolls when he was young. He learnd the skill in Miyagi prefecture. 

These above small dolls are so lovely. These animals are the Chinese zodiac. If you touch them, they are shaking but not fall down. So it is said that they are lucky charms.

The craftman said " If you put your chinese zodiac doll in your entrance, the doll would protect you not to fall dawn".

Please have your own doll for souvenior!

Murayama-Oshima Tsumugi from Tokyo

Murayama-Oshima Tsumugi(kimono) is made in about 1600-1850. Still now the people enjoy this kimono.

Murayama is a name of city. Tsumugi means spin.

The making style is traditional and the craftmen use the old-style machine.

They do the natural plant dyeing and each cloths are handmade.

The writer will visit them and see how they make so please wait for the report.

Edo-Kiriko from Tokyo

Edo-Kiriko is a traditional handmade glass.

In 1834, the first craftmen started to curve on the glass and in 1873, the glass factory was built in Tokyo. In 1881, the craftsmen learn about cutting from the British man.

About 1920, the quality of Edo-Kiriko improved a lot and after 30 years, it developed and became popular.

In 2002, Edo-Kiriko is finally designated as a national traditional craft. 

We are fascinated this color and cut. When we drink Japanese sake with Edo-kiriko, the taste would be much better.

HP: (Only Japanese)

"Hidehira-Nuri" from Iwate

Hidehira is the name of the third Fujiwara Shogun(General) and Nuri means lacquering(painting).

When you find lacquerware, you will reach "blah-blah Shikki". Shikki companies make wares but might not lacquer. However Nuri means lacquering so if you want to find the real lacquering companies or bland, you should find like "blah-blah Nuri".

The characteristic of Hiedehira-Nuri is the shine of black, red and gold lacquer and the refined design with glasses and flowers of each seasons.

The craftsman said that the lacquerware will shiner after use.

Please use and feel the comfortable Hidehira-Nuri.

HP: (only Japanese)

#japanesetradition #tradition #craftsmen #traditionalcraft #lacquer #kimono #wooddoll 


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