Try the "Matcha"(green tea) Sweet in the Tea Comapany in Kyoto!

 If you think about to visit Kyoto, you might visit many temples or shrines. 

Or some people are interested in the green tea; we call " matcha". 

You can find some green tea shops around Arashiyama which is very popular place in Kyoto or any other places but this "Nakamura Tokichi" is special. 

 This building is an important cultural landscape. As you see, there are many "Noren" which is shop curtain. This Kanji "茶” means "tea", "中村藤吉” is read as "Nakamura Tokichi" and this is the person's name who opened this tea firm.

In 1854, this tea company was established here in Kyoto. They have provided tasty tea and offered the Japanese emperor.

In 20 years, they started to provide "sweets" such as green tea ice cream or jelly. Especially the matcha jelly is most popular one. Actually you can buy them in Tokyo as well. Some department store have them so please try this!

If you visit here, the writer really recommend to eat "matcha ammitsu". Ammitsu is a traditional Japanese sweets as below.

In this place, you can buy tea of course and you can find some traditional things like tea pot.

Garden is beautiful.

During your kyoto visit, have a short break here. You must feel comfortable.

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