100% Organic Haircare Brand: 「余」"Yo" From Japan

What the people need at this busy time is "RESET"

"Washing hair is reset" said Jun Takayanagi who is an owner and a hairdresser in Omotesando atelier in Tokyo.

He wanted to make shampoo which matches the type of skin and hair for Japanese. Not including the unnecessary staff, just simple and straight one. This is the thought for the new haircare brand "余” read as "Yo".

"余” call as "Yo" means "blank" or "space" in Japanese. He thinks that washing hair is reset of the daily life and if we reset it, the blank or space comes up. This brand name "Yo" comes from this idea.

When he was young, his scalp was damaged so he tried many kinds of shampoo but could not find a good one. Most of shampoo is good for "hair" but not solve the problem for "scalp". He has looked for it for a long time...

One day, he met Ken Takakura who is a manufacturing owner of "Yo". They both was not satisfied with the organic shampoo which were in the market at that time. They decided to make the new organic shampoo together which matches for Japanese, simple and daily use one.

"Good for the earth" is "Good for the human"

Jun has the own hair salon in Tokyo but he also works in Nagano. There is a retreat facility and he cut once a month in the forest. 

During the hair cut, the people hear the bird's singing and see the green trees and leaves.

"I want to make 100% organic shampoo which we can make them flow in the beautiful river" he thought.

Now "Yo" shampoo is used in this retreat facility(Yojoen) in Nagano.

"Yo" aim for leaving this beautiful nature and environment into the next generations.

In the forest in Nagano, our five senses are reset and make our mind relieved. After reset, we are not really influenced by the other people in Tokyo life and we can see the important things in the city.

We should not be influenced too much by fashion and others when we get the hair cut or hair styling. The important thing is that the hairdressers recommend the style which the customers stay true to themselves.

Jun said  "retreat" is a keyword. We should have the time away from the daily life and reset the body and soul, start the new daily life.

We need to "reset" and "retreat" in this busy life and washing hair (shampoo) is one of ways for "reset".

#organic #organicshampoo #hairsalon #omotesando #tokyohairsalon #Yo #reset #retreat #nagano #scalpdamage #goodfortheearth #environment #haircarebrand 

Omotesando atelier(Tokyo salon): https://omotesando-atelier.com/

Nagano retreat facility: http://www.yojoen.com/

余[yo] | たかくらとくらす Takakura

余[yo]は、日本人の髪質や頭皮、日本の風土を前提に考えられた、潔いヘアケアのシリーズです。シャンプー「余白」とトリートメント「余韻」は、人工的な香りや艶を加えるのではなく、髪の土壌である頭皮のことを最初に考え、本来は必要ない要素を削ぎ落としました。強くて早い効果ではなく、じんわり優しく染み込んで、いつかあなたの髪と生活を整えること。それが余[yo]の想いです。並び替え:トライアルセット<シャンプー2種、トリートメント1種>各50mL¥2,750(税込)【定期コース】余白1 シャンプー 素髪感 300mL¥3,135(税込)余白1 シャンプー 素髪感 300mL¥3,300(税込)SOLD OUT再入荷のお知らせはこちら【定期コース】余白2 シャンプー 潤い感 300mL¥3,135(税込)SOLD OUT再入荷のお知らせはこちら余白2 シャンプー 潤い感 300mL¥3,300(税込)【定期コース】余韻1 トリートメント 浸透感※ 300mL¥3,135(税込)余韻1 トリートメント 浸透感※ 300mL¥3,300(税込)余の箱 丸(白)¥4,400(税込)余の箱 角(灰)¥4,400(税込)余の箱 角(濃灰)¥4,400(税込)ライフスタイルペットスタイル読みもの商品一覧会社について読みものライフスタイル製品ペットスタイル製品会社についてCopyright © Takakura New Industries.Inc. All rights Reserved


Photo by Yuki Nakamura


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